Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello Linux

Hi Im a hardcore Windows dev using great tool VisualStudio2010, .NET framework, ASP.NET and other MS tools. Using Windows for my everyday tasks I got used to it but something forced me to install Linux on my Laptop. I cant say wether one is better than another although some say that Linux is and always will be faster than windows thats not my pont and with with Windows8(have seen just devprev) things might change but I think Linux also has contributions into Win8.
I have installed Ubuntu 11 on laptop. First I felt like a fish out of water. And I cant use cmd (it is called terminal here and can be opened with CTL+ALT+T). I cant find things when I need them, Ubuntu uses new desktop env called Unity and it is too simple I cant use it. To be able to configure things (except basic things) you need to configure additional software. But if you know which  app you need it is easy to install it , I even began using cmd  oops terminal to install software >sudo apt-get install interestingAppName. By the way by my Linux user does not have permissions to do many things. And I need to use sudo in front of the command and as I understood it impersonates command as root user.
 The other problem I had was when trying to change CLASS_PATH environment variable. I found that in a file /ets/environment and again I dont have permission to change that text file and I have to impersonate.
terminal> sudo pico /etc/environment
after changing the content press CTL+O to save.
Some apps are opensource and you need to compile them to use. Java programs use ant scipts. An app I have tried has a file (*.sh=>*.bat) and first I didnt know how to use it. At last had success with this command. It ishummiliating to be unable performing such simple tasks :(.
terminal> sudo bash UsedAntBuildName

I need a dictionary CMD to SH command list :)